Origin and History of Easter in Scotland
Easter is a very important day in Scotland. In pre-Christian times, there was a Saxon festival called “Eastre”, later, it was integrated with the Christian festival. As per the historical records, Easter is also linked to Pagans and some of its traditions are even followed today. According to Christian scripture, Jesus rose from his tomb three days after his crucifixion. Today Christians celebrate the resurrection two days after Good Friday and three days after Maundy Thursday. According to historians the death and resurrection of Jesus is interpreted to be between 26 AD and 36 AD. Christians also believe Easter has the season of church year called Eastertide. Traditionally this Easter season lasts for forty days i.e. from Easter Day to Ascension Day.
Local name: Easter
Ways to celeberate Easter in Scotland
Easter in Scotland is a rich church celebration. Traditionally Easter is a time for relaxation and leisure, thus it is an extremely wonderful holiday. In most parts of the country huge fires are lit on Saturday as a mark of Pagan tradition. Easter in Scotland also means fun activities, which happens across the nation with the children’s actively engaging in excitements. The Easter fun days includes egg hunts, horse displays and battle re-enactments. Coming to traditions and rituals, all the people in Scotland come united for the services held in churches throughout the country. On this day a special hot cross buns containing spices and fruits are baked. Other feasts for the day include eggs, potatoes and lamb.