Origin and History of Easter in Denmark
Denmark is a Scandinavian country situated in north Europe. Despite being a secular country, Easter is willingly established as a major festival to celebrate the arrival of the spring season after the long snowy winters. Easter is one of the longest and most imperative holidays after Christmas in Denmark. It is celebrated to commemorate the Resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ, three days after his Crucifixion. The day follows the cycle of moon, so its date is not fixed but it usually falls between March and April. The Danes enjoy this festival as a lengthy break from work and spend time with family with the specially concocted “Easter Beer”. Easter Sunday in Denmark is called Påske, which literally means “Passover”. Usually all Danish schools, shops and businesses are closed during these holy days. However, some shops can be seen opened on the Saturday before Easter selling all sorts of goodies and accessories necessary for the occasion. They are lavishly decorated with beautifully colored Easter eggs and fresh daffodils to get the feel of the celebrations around.
Local name: Påske
Ways to celeberate Påske in Denmark
Easter in Denmark is celebrated quite differently from other Christian countries. The most significant festivities begin from the national church in Denmark, The Evangelical Lutheran Church, the largest Christian church in the country. The most unique tradition of Danish Easter is the custom of sending teaser letters called ‘gækkebrev’. Few weeks before Easter arrives, generally on Valentine’s Day, people cut out letters on which they write secret Easter poems. These are then sent to the loved ones, along with a snowdrop flower and dots of their name on the letter. If the recipient of this letter succeeds in finding the sender’s name, then they receive an Easter egg as a reward. Easter decorations are another momentous tradition in Denmark which includes the colors green and yellow in eggs and daffodils that can be seen in homes, shops, and malls. The traditional feast of Denmark is incomplete without the authentic Danish Easter lunch that comprises of a generous spread of fish, lamb, pickled herring, cheese and meats, accompanied by Easter beer, and snaps, Scandinavian liquor.