The festival Easter, also known as Правосл&, will be celebrated on 24th April in 2011 in Russia.
Easter generally falls on 24th April and this year 2011 Easter will be celebrated in the 4th week of April. Easter is a festival that is also celebrated in Romania, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway and Poland and is also called Правосл& in Russia.Easter is most popular in United States.Easter is also commonly referred to as Easter Day and Easter Sunday.
Other countries also refer to Правосл& as Domhnach Cásca, Dyngus Day, Easter, Easter Sunday, Eerste Paasdag, Greek Orthodox Easter, Húsvét, Ostern, Paşti, Pâques, Páscoa, Pascua De Resurrección, Pasqua, Påsk, Påske, Semana Santa, Sham El-Nessim, Velikden and Velikonoce.
Easter dates 2011 around the world:
Easter Sunday United States 2011Easter Sunday Australia 2011Pâques France 2011Easter Sunday India 2011Easter Sunday United Kingdom 2011Pâques Canada 2011Ostern Germany 2011Pasqua Italy 2011Pascua De Resurrección Argentina 2011Páscoa Brazil 2011Velikden Bulgaria 2011Easter Chile 2011Easter China 2011Velikonoce Czech Republic 2011Påske Denmark 2011Sham El-Nessim Egypt 2011Greek Orthodox Easter Greece 2011Húsvét Hungary 2011Domhnach Cásca Ireland 2011Easter Israel 2011Semana Santa Mexico 2011Eerste Paasdag Netherlands 2011Påske Norway 2011Dyngus Day Poland 2011Paşti Romania 2011Semana Santa Spain 2011Påsk Sweden 2011Easter Switzerland 2011Easter Belgium 2011Easter Scotland 2011