Check the dates on which Father’s Day will be celebrated in Thailand.
Fundoo Times: Festivals: Father’s Day: Father’s Day in Thailand: When is Father’s Day Thailand in 2011

Father’s Day Thailand 2011

The festival Father’s Day, also known as Father’s Day, will be celebrated on 5th December in 2011 in Thailand.

Father’s Day is generally celebrated over a period of 1 days and according to the calendar, this year 2011 Father’s Day will start from the 5th December, 2011 and go on till 5th December, 2011. Countries like United Kingdom, United States, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, Germany, India, Ireland, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines and South Africa also celebrate Father’s Day with a lot of enthusiasm and in Thailand it is also referred to as Father’s Day. Father’s Day is one of the most popular festivals in United States at times is also called .

Some countries use names like Father's Day, Father’s Day, Gokarna Aunsi, St. Joseph's Day and Vatertag to refer to Father’s Day.

Father’s Day dates 2011 around the world:

Father’s Day United States 2011
Father’s Day India 2011
Father’s Day Argentina 2011
Father’s Day Canada 2011
St. Joseph's Day Australia 2011
Vatertag Germany 2011
Father’s Day United Kingdom 2011
Father’s Day Philippines 2011
Father’s Day New Zealand 2011
Father’s Day Denmark 2011
Father's Day Ireland 2011
Father’s Day South Africa 2011
Father’s Day Costa Rica 2011
Gokarna Aunsi Nepal 2011