Origin and History of Valentine's Day in United States
Valentine’s Day is a popular event in the United States. It is observed to honor St Valentine and to express love to the chosen companion. This is one of the most awaited days that commemerates relationships. Valentine’s Day is said to been introduced by British settlers in America during the 19th century. Initially, they celebrated the occasion by giving Valentine's Day cards with embossed paper laces. Later the practice of giving gifts, flowers, chocolates along with cards became popular.
Local name: Valentines Day
Ways to celeberate Valentines Day in United States
Valentine’s Day is considered as the major card and gift giving event in the US. The occasion has been commercialized to a great extent throughout the country. Valentine’s card, fresh flowers, chocolates and candies are popular gifts exchanged on this day. It provides an opportunity for people to express gratitude and love to their sweethearts or spouses. Ribbons, laces, roses and heart shape gifts are associated with love and romance. The gifting of a heart is considered as an act of giving everything to your loved one. Hence, on this occasion people commonly choose valentine candy boxes that are heart-shaped and tied with a red ribbon. On this day, Valentine's Day dinner and dance parties are also arranged. Books are considered as an alternative Valentine day gift. People staying in different cities send gifts through online gift shopping sites and also exchange e-cards.