Origin and History of Halloween in United States
Halloween celebration is connected with the evil spirits started along with the All Saints� Day. Around eighth century the orthodox Christian church declared November 1st as All Saints� day in order to honor all the saints who played a major role in making Christianity popular. The gathering held on All Saints� Day was called Hallowmas which means the mass for saintly people. The evening before mass was called All Hallows Eve, which later got the name Halloween. The Halloween customs and celebrations were brought to America in 1840 by Irish immigrants. Like many other American celebrations, the Halloween celebrations also consist of both pre-Christian and Christian customs.
Local name: All Hallows Eve
Ways to celeberate All Hallows Eve in United States
Halloween celebrations are filled with lots of enjoyment and witty activities. It is celebrated with family, friends and dear ones. However in some places, large community parties and unique events are organized to make the event a special one. In America, Halloween is not an official holiday. Thus government offices, schools and other businesses function as usual. People celebrate Halloween in late afternoon or evening by organizing costume parties and creating haunted surroundings. Children dressed up in fancy costumes visit different homes and demand for sweets and gifts. Some families carve lanterns out of pumpkins and use it to decorate their homes and backyards in Halloween style. This manner of decoration is used as they were traditionally believed to ward off evil spirits. There are various items associated with the Halloween. Some of them are scary masks, spooks, skeleton miniatures, bats, spiders and black cats associated with the haunted decorative themes as they are often linked with wizards and witches.