The festival Halloween, also known as All Hallows Eve, will be celebrated on 31st October in 2012 in United Kingdom.
Halloween is celebrated on 31st October and in 2012 Halloween will be celebrated on 5th Wednesday of October. Countries like United States, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Ireland and Scotland also celebrate Halloween with great fervor and refer to it as All Hallows Eve in United Kingdom.Halloween is one of the most popular festivals in Ireland and is also called All Hallows Eve, All Saints' Day, All Souls' Day and Hallowed End, Hop-Tu-Naa (Isle of Man).
In some other countries All Hallows Eve is also referred to as Halloween, Samhain, Samhuinn and Teng Chieh.
Halloween dates 2012 around the world:
Samhain Ireland 2012Halloween Australia 2012Halloween Canada 2012Halloween Germany 2012Samhuinn Scotland 2012All Hallows Eve United States 2012