Encouragement SMS provides inspiration to face challenges in life. Introduce your friends and relatives to the inspirational text message on encouragement.
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Encouragement SMS

We encounter several difficult situations in life. At times, we may lose all hope and feel depressed. However, inspirational words can bring unexpected results in many of these circumstances. But, you need to know how to use words of encouragement properly. If you are in search of some wonderful encouragement SMS, you just have to browse through our unique assortment of text message on encouragement. Select and send some good ones to your friends, colleagues, family members and others to make them aware of how easy life can be if we believe in ourselves.
No one can go back & make a new beginning, but anyone can start from now & make a happy ending! Hope u”ll have a day that starts right & ends Happy!
Often when we lose all hope and think this is the end, God smiles from above and says: Relax dear, it’s just a bend! not the end. Gud Day!
Life has no rewinds, and no forwards, it unfolds at its own pace so neva miss a chance to LIVE today, and make a BEAUTIFUL story for tomorrow.
There Is A Place In The HEART Where THOUGHTS Becomes DREAMS… & DREAMS Can B Accomplished While U Have BELEIVE In Urself……..
Love…… what you’ve got, Remember……. what you had, Learn from….. your mistakes, But Never regret, People change, Things go wrong, But Remember Life Goes On…..
Disaapointment are like road hump, they slow you down a bit but you enjoy…. the smooth road afterwards….. Dont stay on the humps too long. MOVE ON
In rain all birds occupy shelter but eagle is da one 1 dat avoids da rain by flying above da clouds. Problem is common to all but attitude makes da difference!
As a final incentive before giving up a difficult task, try to imagine it successfully accomplished by someone you violently hate.
Be thankful if you have a job that is harder than you like. A razor cannot be sharpened on a velvet.
Ever See A Baby Learn To Walk Without Falling Down … ? No, You Never Will Either. “Mistakes” Are A Part Of The Process We Call “Success” …
When things turn out
bad and your strength is
longer enough to carry them.
You must never give up,
cause when your strength ends,
my worth is your friend begins
Success is not Permanent.
Failure is not Final.


Never Stop Working after Success.
Never Stop Trying after Failure.
Excellence has always been achieved by those
who dared believe that something inside them
is superior to circumstances.
Challenges are like trees seen through a running train.
As U approach them they grow bigger,
once U pass them they become smaller!
So never be afraid of them.
both r
Make Dreams as Aim,
But don't make Aim as Dream.
keep going still Ur Dream cums in Ur way
Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities.
Seize common occasions & make them great.
Nothing is right nor wrong. Every thing is in us.
Think positive
Keep the race through God's good grace.
Lift up your eyes and seek His face.
Life with its way b4 us lies.
Christ is the path and Christ is the Price.
Success is like tip of the tail if cat runs to catch the tail it has to keep
running forever but if it walks in its own style tail follows live life with Ur.
Its not the possession of good things which bring happiness
it is the ability to enjoy what comes.
Happiness is an aptitude.
Take a deep breath
And don't let yourself free
Never forget the power of love and light
And everything will be alright.
The Lord wl change all our defeat in2 a path for new blessings.
Do not think dat failure can push us down.
Instead it wl be changed in2 a ladder of blessings.
A smile is a language even a baby understands. It costs nothing but it creates much.It happens in a flash but the memory of it may last forever.Keep on smiling!
God says: u r my precious 1, u r my child, u r da apple of my eyes, i ll nvr leave u, i ll alwayz lov u.
1 tree can start a forest; 1 smile can start a friendship; 1 touch can show u care; 1 friend can make life worth living 4.